Food assistance

Food assistance

Social market

Much more than food assistance

At Moisson Estrie, individuals who receive support visit our social grocery store, where they can choose the items that will be part of their food basket. Additional items that are not covered by our free assistance program may be purchased at a very low cost:

Collective purchasing service or additional foodstuffs at a lower cost – 50% of grocery store prices.

The “in between” service known as Le Trait d’union provides access to low-cost groceries between two free food aid visits, in order to further support individuals in need.

Foods prepared in our food processing kitchen, supported by IMMEX Société immobilière, are sold at affordable prices.

Additional food assistance is offered during the back-to-school period as well as over the Holidays.

icone coupleicone couple


Couples or couples with a child




icone homme seulicone homme seul


Single man

icone femme seuleicone femme seule


Single woman

53% of foodstuffs collected are redistributed directly through Moisson Estrie.

28 126
individuals supported each year.

Collective purchasing service

For additional foodstuffs at a lower cost – 50% of grocery store prices.

Le Trait d’union

The “in between” service known as Le Trait d’union provides access to low-cost groceries between two free food aid visits, in order to further support individuals in need.

Foods prepared

Foods prepared in our food processing kitchen, supported by IMMEX Société immobilière, are sold at affordable prices.

Additional food assistance

During the back-to-school period as well as over the Holidays.

Our accompaniment and support service (SEME)

Moisson Estrie’s support service known as SEME accompanies individuals in need through the provision of direct food aid at our social market. Food aid officers on our team meet with each person to assess their situation and determine their eligibility and frequency of food assistance. Officers also refer individuals in need to other programs in the region.